If there are two questions that we hear from prospective clients daily, they are the...
We can do this with your help!!! On behalf of all of us here at...
Take Flight Aviation doesn’t just offer you professional grade flight training; we offer you a...
It is no secret that there is a pilot shortage going on and it...
Take Flight Aviation LLC now offers complete Part 141 Accelerated Professional Pilot Training in addition...
Whether you want to give them the gift of flight or purchase that special someone...
1) Retirements – Many Pilots, particularly in the US, are being forced to retire as...
So what does this mean to you? Through our Part 141 Training Programs,...
Are you curious about flying with Garmin G1000 Avionics but a little concerned the transition...
This low time Diamond DA40 is absolutely spotless and ready to impress. As our fleet...