For those looking to fly professionally, these moves by the airlines means you need to train in modern aircraft – now! Take Flight Aviation offers an up-to-date fleet of Diamond Aircraft – loaded with Garmin Avionics suites. Our fleet allows you to train right from the outset utilizing the same style of avionics displays that you’ll be working with throughout your career. We built our Professional Pilot Training Programs after extensive discussions with current Airline and Corporate Examiner Pilots about what they need in their new pilots hires.
Our newest planes also feature digital engine control units, just like those used in modern turbine equipment. Our training program documentation is written just like the material you’ll use later in your professional career. There’s no replacement for experience, and Take Flight Aviation offers you experience in state-of-the-art equipment from Day One!
Let Take Flight Aviation help move you to the front of the pack and be ready to go when pilot hiring resumes, as it no doubt will.
Give us a call at 845-457-4188 to learn more. Fly now, pay later financing available through Meritize for those who qualify – https://www.takeflightoc.com/professional-pilot-financing/