Take Flight Aviation operates on the principles of safety, instructional excellence, service, and integrity. We have invested a tremendous amount of time and resources to provide our clients with what have proven to be the best, safest and most efficient training programs available while at the same time keeping the training fun and real world based. Most importantly, our clients succeed in completing the programs and earn the certifications they seek and the competence they deserve. Our Chief Instructor is a factory trained CSIP (Cirrus Standardization Instructor Pilot) who oversees a select staff of Cirrus Training Center Instructors at Take Flight to ensure your training is delivered in the most effective manner possible.
Take Flight Aviation offers highly structured and refined Part 61 Training in the Cirrus SR20 G6. You can certainly move on for Part 61 Instrument and Commercial Training after completing this program and checked out in the ultra-capable Cirrus SR22 G6.
In the end, it’s all about the fit. We have gone to great lengths to select only the best flight instructors to work with our exclusive group of clients. Each instructor is selected not only based on flying experience, but also on teaching ability and personality. Let’s face it; if you don’t enjoy the experience of learning to fly, you probably won’t be at it for long. If you have any additional questions or want to get started, give us a call! You can also test the waters with a Cirrus Introductory lesson.